儒商与你面对面 讲座
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北京大学新加坡校友会、新加坡国立大学经济系研究生会联合主办讲座:儒商与你面对面主讲:林锦仁先生 林锦仁先生出生于马来西亚,祖籍中国福建。五十年前林先生只身从马来西亚来到新加坡打拼,从转口贸易起家,供应东南亚区大宗香料,享有“辣椒大王”的美 誉。后来转战多个领域,投资于新、中、马三地的建材、棕油、和地产业,在七十五岁高龄再创事业的高峰。林先生不仅在商界建树颇丰,而且对中华文化有着深深 的热爱,对儒家思想和中国历史稔熟于心。他热心公益,并乐于与年轻人交流,在这个讲座中,林先生将与各位朋友分享他生活与经商的经验。
时间:2010年4月17日(星期六)2:30pm - 5:30pm地点:Lim Tay Boh Seminar Room (AS2 03-12), NUS 报名:Email至 pku.sg.alumni@gmail.com语言:中文免费入场
A seminar brought you by Peking University Alumni Association (Singapore) and Economics Graduate Students Society, NUS:
The Road of a Confucian MerchantSpeaker: Mr Lim Chin LinTime: April 17th, 2010 (Saturday) 2:30pm - 5:30pmVenue: Lim Tay Boh Seminar Room (AS2 03-12), NUSMedium: Chinese
To register: Email to pku.sg.alumni@gmail.comFree Admission. Mr. Lim Chin Lin is a successful businessman born in Malaysia. He built his business from the 5000 dollars loan 50 years ago. Today he owns 7 companies in Singapore, Malaysia and China. As a Malaysian born Chinese, Mr. Lim has always been passionate about Chinese culture. He is very familiar with Chinese history and Confucianism. In this seminar, Mr. Lim will share his experiences in life and business.
Travel Guidance:
AS2 is at Department of Arts and Social Sciences (Economics).
From Buona Vista MRT station, take Bus 95 and alight at Kent Ridge Terminal, or
From Clementi MRT station, take Bus 189 and alight at Kent Ridge Terminal;
Then walk along the shelter and cross the pedestrian overpass.
AS2 is just across the overpass.