• 2008清华人新年联谊晚会

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  • 2008清华人新年联谊晚会 / 2008 TAAS New Year Party

    主题 Subject: 清华人清华情,友谊互助在狮城


    2008年 即将来临,您对新年一定有不少的憧憬和期待。您想与在新加坡的清华校友分享吗?能一起庆祝吗?请带着您的家人和朋友来,与新加坡清华校友共聚同欢,畅叙昔日同窗之情,分享今日奋发图强之精神,并为明日再创辉煌而凝聚清华人之气。

    新加坡清华校友会 (TAAS)订于2008年1月5日下午5时至晚9时在 Staff Center of Singapore Polytechnic 举办清华人新年联谊晚会,即日起接受报名注册。

    晚会主要内容包括:文艺演出,互动游戏,幸运抽奖以及自助晚宴。这将是继今年 7月新加坡清华校友会 正式成立大会之后的又一大型活动,旨在增进了解,促进友谊,团结合作,共同进步。我们真诚欢迎您和您的家人及朋友参加。


    新加坡清华校友会 (TAAS)


    请大家务必尽早提前报名注册,发送电邮至: membership@mail.tsinghua.org.sg。请提供以下信息:1 )姓名;2)总参加人数;3)同行的未成年人数(6岁以上);4)联络电邮和手机号码。

    签到: 1月5日(周六)下午4时起
    地点: Staff Center of Singapore Polytechnic
    交通: 请参阅附件内地图*(停车免费)
    成年人: 每人$32 (于2008年1月1日前注册并付费)或 $40 (晚会现场付费)
    未成年: 每人 $0 (6岁以下) 或 $15 (18岁以下,无20%折扣)
    着装: Smart Casual
    联系人: 徐劲 membership@mail.tsinghua.org.sg 90306602
    张斌 wisepassion@hotmail.com 93372678

    报名注册后,您可以选择提前付费( 采用选择1和选择2)以享受20%折扣,也可选择在晚会当天付全费(采用选择3)。如果您选择前者,在收到您的注册信息和预付款后,我们会用电邮或SMS 的方式向您确认。

    选择 1: 网络银行/ATM转账或GIRO
    银行 : DBS (银行代码: 7171)
    分行 : Jurong Point (分行代码: 081)
    账号 :245435517 (账号类型: POSB Saving)
    注 : 转账时请附注姓名.

    选择2: 支票
    承付人: "Meng Fanming"
    邮寄地址 : Blk 20, #22-04, Choa Chu Kang St.64, Singapore, 689093
    注 : 如果支票不是由您本人签发,请写上您的姓名.

    选择 3: 全额现金,晚会现场

    Dear Tsinghua alumni,

    Happy New Year 2008!
    Let us celebrate the coming New Year together, all Tsinghua alumni in Singapore!

    With the approaching steps of 2008, you may have a lot of dreams and wishes for the New Year ahead . Why not come and bring your family and friends along to celebrate together with your old friends in Tsinghua, to share those fond memories of the old days in campus students' life and indulge ourselves into the sensational feeling of yesterday once more while networking with other Tsinghua alumni, and to recharge you and rejuvenate you for your new endeavor to scale the New Height in the coming New Year?

    Tsinghua Alumni Association Singapore (TAAS) is pleased to organize a Tsinghuaren New Year Party on Saturday, 5 January 2008, 5-9PM at Staff Center of Singapore Polytechnic. Now the party is open for registration.

    Main programs of this party include: artistic performance, interactive games, lucky draw and buffet dinner. This is another big event following our Grand Opening Ceremony in July 2007.

    Come and party with us! You don't need any other reasons, just because you are a Tsinghuaren! The more we alumni get together the happier we'll be!

    Looking forward to seeing you on 5 January 2008!

    Tsinghua Alumni Association Singapore (TAAS)

    Details for registration and payment:

    To assist our logistics, please register as soon as possible by sending an email to membership@mail.tsinghua.org.sg with the following information: 1) name; 2) number of people including you and people coming along with you; 3) number of children (below 6 and 6-18 respectively) you are bringing in, if any; and 4) email and mobile phone number.

    Reception: 5 January (Saturday), from 4PM
    Venue: Staff Center of Singapore Polytechnic
    Transportation: Please refer to the attached map* (free parking)
    Adults: $32/pax (registration and payment before 1 JAN 2008) or $40/pax (payment on the spot)
    Children: $0 (6 or below) or $15/pax (under 18, not applicable for 20% discount)
    Dress code: Smart Casual
    Point of contact: Mr. Xu Jin membership@mail.tsinghua.org.sg 90306602
    Mr. Zhang Bin wisepassion@hotmail.com 93372678

    Payment Instruction
    After sending the registration email, you may choose either advance payment (by option 1 or 2) to enjoy 20% discount, or full payment on the Day (by option 3). Registration is not complete until receipt of payment. An email/sms will be sent upon confirmation of payment reception.

    Option 1: Internet Bank/ATM Transfer or GIRO
    Bank Name: DBS (Bank Code: 7171)
    Branch: Jurong Point (Branch Code: 081)
    Account No.: 245435517 (Account Type: POSB Saving)
    Note: Please indicate your name in your internet bank transfer.

    Option 2: Cheque
    Make cheque payable to 'Meng Fanming' and mail it to:
    Blk 20, #22-04, Choa Chu Kang St. 64, Singapore, 689093
    Note: Please indicate your name if the cheque is not issued under your name.

    Option 3: Cash: full price, on the Day

    Best Regards,
    TAAS IT support
    My link, My Home

    TAAS commitee: taas@tsinghua.org.sg
    TAAS IT support: it@mail.tsinghua.org.sg
    *map(点击看大图,click to open in new window)




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